Art Therapy in Style

As an Interior Designer and Artist I am always inspired and passionate when selecting a piece of art prior to selecting furnishings. However, it is just as easy to create a piece of art that matches your furnishings and desired finish, especially when your artwork becomes the focal point of your home.

A focal point such as Art can extend a room, create conversation, trigger a positive emotional response or create the perfect atmosphere for a welcoming entrance. It becomes the star of the room. It’s also the emphasis around which you can build the rest of your design inspiration. Here is a few tips on how:

  1. The Choice is Endless – Buy online, in store, second hand or create your very own artwork. There are so many affordable and clever options available today. Whether it be your favourite photograph on canvas, a celebrated memory displayed as a framed print, arranging some of your favourite possessions as a collage, an original painting, an improved DIY artwork or wall décor. Research and consider visiting Display Homes or Open Homes for inspiration and ideas.
  2. Create a First Impression – Ensure there is a connection with the ‘first thing’ you see when entering the room, your artwork. Test the room, walk in and out of the room, start to visualise where the right location will be to showcase your art. This can also set the scene for the entire home. Your main entrance, end of a hallway or a living room is a popular place to start.
  3. One or Two – Despite how tempting it can be to be creative, try to have some discipline by having only one focal point and only a secondary if it’s necessary, but remember with simplicity less is more. Then it becomes all about that one piece of art as it demands its viewers’ attention.
  4. Furniture Selection – Try to build and arrange your furniture around the Artwork to keep it being your focus. A neutral background with splashes of complimentary colours or patterns can assist.
  5. Balance is Key – Bring balance to the room by adding extra elements around your artwork. Begin by duplicating a colour within your artwork through accessories, rugs, pillows or throws into your neutral background. This will ensure your viewers eyes fall where they are supposed to and they can enjoy the serenity of the artwork in sight. Having an artistic focal point can form either a distraction or emphasise the room’s best features.
  6. Subtle yet Effective Lighting – Even though lighting options are in an abundance, the right amount or the direction of lighting can help your piece of art to stand out in the room so consider strategic lighting. You can enhance your artistic focal point by using purpose or directional lighting (see previous Blog on Lighting)

If you find yourself not drawn to Artwork, feel free to explore alternative focal points such as a view, set of windows, a vase of flowers, a statement piece of furniture, an ornament, fireplace, accent walls or antique chandelier. Whatever it is that will be the first place you want your viewers eyes to gaze on. And remember have fun!

Art and Decor is in Perfect Balance!